Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Tip of the Day: If you have to go crapping on a public toilet, and you don't want everyone to hear that you're shitting, you should put some paper down there before doing it.
Maybe I should start giving these lame, meaningless and useless tips of the day everyday...

Anyway, I don't have much to say today.
And since no one read anything of this anyway, I guess you don't care.
I can give you my little philosophy of life, but that's all.

Your life can end on just second
Sometimes in sadness, but also at your happiest moment.
Sometimes you get it told by a stranger. Imagine fighting for your life, and the dearest around you, and suddenly someone walks in and end the fight you just won.
Life is meaningless.
Still we all have a point.
Life is filled with answers.
But it will forever stay as a question.
Life is...
Not a thing to enjoy. It will get you in the end. No matter what. Think about that.

Life is the only disease we all got born with.
For some, the disease will kill them immediately.
For others it will give you suffering... Through your whole life.
It's tricky, huh?

Well... Life is a mean and evil thing, shows no mercy. Still we're willing to fight for it, as well as others'.
Why fight for a disease?
Noone wants AIDS to stay.

Commit suicide or live with that disease.
Suiciders is just a sign of weakness. They suffered from ”life”. Couldn't take it. Leaves all around them question there will never be possible to be answered.
Sooner or later, everyone will realize
That there's only one answer: The suicider could choose between being his own murder, or his own medicine.
So when everything comes to that point of view, the suiciders isn't that weak anymore, right?
They wouldn't let their little disease eat them up, so they did it before ”life” got to it.
They actually cheated death.
So in the end, I think they became both murder... And medicine

But if you choose to stay instead of run away..
You will realize...
That suicide is a question, not an answer.
And that life is the answer on that question.

Stop ruin your life, cause it only makes the disease worse.
Try to fight it instead...

Murder or medicine...
Love or Pain
In the end
It's all the same...

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